Property developer Redsky Homes built its Willow Tree House development on Station Road in Langley with 51 flats – despite the fact that there was only planning permission for 41.
Now Slough Borough Council has said it knew ‘some time ago’ these were being built and had warned developers they continued ‘at their own risk’.
A council spokesperson said: “The local planning authority were made aware of the development not being built in accordance with the approved plans some time ago.
READ MORE: Willow Tree House developers ‘taking the rise’ says Langley neighbour
“The planning department attempted to work with the developer to resolve the issues however ultimately the development continued contrary to the advice of officers who expressed clearly to the developer that they do so at their own risk.”
Slough Borough Council said that councillors on its planning committee would consider Redsky Home’s application to approve the 51 flats. They added the developer risked having to alter or demolish the building if the committee votes to refuse permission.
The spokesperson said: “Without prejudice to that decision, should the development not be found acceptable then the developer may face a formal enforcement notice which could result in a requirement to alter or demolish the building.
“This is the risk the developer faces and they are well aware of the serious consequences they could face as a result of their own actions. This is the risk any developer or resident faces when they undertake development without planning consent.”
READ MORE: Block of 51 flats built without planning permission in Slough
Permission for a 41-home block of flats was granted by the government’s planning inspectorate in 2021. The planning inspector said the 41-home development was acceptable, as it would gradually ‘step up’ in height away from the houses on Alderbury Road.
But on the 51-home building that was actually built, the higher storeys are much closer to neighbouring houses, overlooking them and blocking the sky to a greater extent.
In its latest planning application Redsky Homes said the unapproved changes were built due to ‘the pace of construction and amendments during construction’.
But when asked by the Observer, Redsky did not say why it ignored Slough Borough Council’s warning and continued building the 51 flats without planning permission.
Redsky Homes also declined to answer several questions put to it by the Observer, including why it let out the new flats – which are now all occupied – before its planning application was decided.
READ MORE: Wexham Road flats built without planning permission
A spokesperson said: “During construction it became clear that there was an opportunity to provide additional much-needed new homes at no material impact on neighbouring properties.
They later added: “Slough desperately needs new homes, and Redsky Homes are operating within the planning system to help deliver them.
“We know that local residents support this development and understand the need for homes.”